銀河愚連 - 初代目

在地球出生的宇宙人 鉗次郎 帶住頭盔生活 他有一個願望就是回到自已的母星
直至一次朽合 遇上 不知天高地厚的 不良少年PACO君 決心一起走到世界盡頭
就這樣組成了宇宙間 最強的暴走族傳說!!銀河愚連!!




Limited edition release!! Please DM us for details.

Kimjiro, an alien born on Earth, lives with a helmet on his head. His wish is to return to his home planet.Until one day, he meets Paco-kun, an brave bad boy, and they decide to journey together to the end of the world.this is the strongest gangster legend is born – gangster of the galaxy !

Come on! Let's put on our helmets and journey to the end of the world with us.

If you purchase one, either kimjiro or Pako-kun will be randomly selected. If you purchase a set, one of each character will be included. The first batch is limited in quantity, and a small number of special editions will be randomly distributed. They are expected to be released from June to July.
About Us

We have been designing and manufacturing bags and cases in our own backyard from the start. This lets us turn prototypes to production very quickly and ensure products are made just right.


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